Coming Soon! May 1, 2025

Dedicated to helping vulnerable people and their pets stay together by removing barriers and providing resources

Tag By Tag Challenge
Join the “Brick by Brick” campaign, where your support helps build a future for pets in need, one tag at a time. Instead of purchasing a brick for a wall, you’ll have the opportunity to purchase custom dog tags that will proudly be displayed at our new Edmonton location (formerly AARCS North Haven)
Parachutes for Pets supports the human-animal bond and provides support to both ends of the leash. Pets are a direct line to mental health but are also the biggest barrier to society from housing, treatment and other essential support. For a large number of people, their pet is their only family, support and reason for living. Join the Tag by Tag campaign to help us get started in Edmonton! Parachutes for Pets will be offering a Pet Food Bank, Pet Safekeeping, Pawsitive Pathways and Emergency Response for the unhoused.
We’re hoping to fill our front wall with over 100,000 tags - help us achieve this challenge!
Each tag, starting at just $5, represents a step forward, providing essential support to keep pets and families together. With your help, we can continue to build a community of care and support for these deserving pets.